Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
Hi Kz,

You are absolutely right. To my ears, the X.5 and the cooresponding XA.5 has the same power. After spending some time doing A/B comparison with XA60.5/X250.5 and XA100.5, XA really is the only way to go with Classical lovers. XA just has more appropriate soundstage, tone has more smoothness and texture, yet retains the speed and dynamic of X.5. I am officially jealous of Mark.

I heard the amps with XP20. It's very neutral. If your goal is neutral, then XP20 is what you want. To me, it sounds a little cold. But the instrument separation and details are amazing.

Hey Chuck,

Congrats! I was looking to buy that exact same unit from Mark. You beat me to it! That's makes my decision easier...

After listening to Pass again, X.5 is just too much for me. The details were too sharp with a flat soundstage. So XA it is! The shocker went to Electrocompaniet, the ECI5 MK II. Electrocompaniet's soundstage was even more vivid and 3D than Pass, but the depth of the soundstage isn't as deep as Pass. It was very interesting.. The detail was much less sharp than Pass but the tonal texture was completely smooth and round. It was a complete concert hall experience. Many people talk about neutrality and what a recording should sound like. I just want to turn my living room into a 24/7 concert hall. Some reviews also said Electrocompaniet is the closest solid states to tube. Detail vs. real lifenss... I still have more listening to do. Anyone who has listened to both, please share...
I use all tubes with Fb1i Signatures, which seems to work nicely. Then again, I flat out prefer tubes, even though they are occaionally troublesome (but less so than a wife, ime.) Are you sure you will be happy w/ SS sound? What SS have you heard that leads you to think so?
Based on your descriptions it seems the Electrocompaniet is closer to the live like pesentation. I find this type of music reproduction provides more long term and complete satisfaction vs the "neutral" camp.I know this divide has been discussed ad nauseum and there`ll always be two sides.

Reading your post it appears the Electrocompaniet has made a stronger emotional impact than the Pass amplifier.The emotional involvement is what music is about.Don`t ignore your natural response to what you hear.
Good Luck,
I agree with Charles1dad that Music is all about emotion and
you should buy the component that gives you the most
emotional impact.

I too have been a tube guy (Conrad Johnson, Cary SLI-80)
which makes me think I may not like the Pass. And if I don't
I will be sending it back to Mark per our agreement.

I will post my thoughts once I have a chance to listen to

Problem is I had a power tube go with my wife and I standing
right there and it was nasty. So my wife now hates tubes in
general along with not liking this hobby much.

You guys are so right. I have only heard tubes once, but I think that's the way I am leaning towards. I must admit that I am a lazy audiophile. Switching tubes and searching for them is too much. The appearance is another thing. So I think I might have to stick with solid state that are very warm. Can anyone suggest any integrated amps like that?

Electrocompaniet was almost love at first sight. Before I take one home, I want to check out other brands. Got to make sure the sound is ripe and a live while details are vivid. I heard the Audio Research integrated is quite good. Anyone has any experience? Other suggestions?

I already have a system with Classe and B&W 802D. That's already quite a warm combination. It lacked details and the soundstage is recessed. Now I am looking for something for forward and vivid.