Lacee- I'll be interested to know if using the Lightspeed in lieu of the
volume control on the Steelhead is an improvement. (I'm aware of the
Lightspeed but never used one). Perhaps the difference in sound I
experienced between fixed and variable has to do with how the volume
control is implemented, I don't really know. I did find a considerable
improvement in tube rolling- the Sovteks are pretty sterile sounding; in my
system, i liked the NOS Tele the best, found the Mullard to be too euphonic
and the Siemens to be a bit stark. I also rolled the 7044 tubes. I've had
wonderful experience with the K-S cables, including power cords, though I
know that everyone has their favorite, depending on a variety of factors.
Two other observations: first, doesn't the mono switch still work even if you
are in fixed output mode? (I can't remember); also, my comments re the
sound 'straight in' were going to a pair of Lamm ML 2 SET amps, which are
very musical, with lot's of harmonic texture. So, it isn't just 'adding more
tubes' that makes the difference.
volume control on the Steelhead is an improvement. (I'm aware of the
Lightspeed but never used one). Perhaps the difference in sound I
experienced between fixed and variable has to do with how the volume
control is implemented, I don't really know. I did find a considerable
improvement in tube rolling- the Sovteks are pretty sterile sounding; in my
system, i liked the NOS Tele the best, found the Mullard to be too euphonic
and the Siemens to be a bit stark. I also rolled the 7044 tubes. I've had
wonderful experience with the K-S cables, including power cords, though I
know that everyone has their favorite, depending on a variety of factors.
Two other observations: first, doesn't the mono switch still work even if you
are in fixed output mode? (I can't remember); also, my comments re the
sound 'straight in' were going to a pair of Lamm ML 2 SET amps, which are
very musical, with lot's of harmonic texture. So, it isn't just 'adding more
tubes' that makes the difference.