Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates?

I need to downsize to lessen moving expenses. Want ot find an integrated amp that can possibly perform equal to separates. Currently have a Bel Canto PRe3 line stage and a pair of Red Dragon M-500 digital monoblocks. I am also getting out of analog, and want to have just two pieces of electronics, that is, an integrated amp, and a CD player.

I need at least 100-150 RMS. Don't need any special features on the integrated that is, theater processor loop or inboarded DAC. Can spend up to approx $2100 for a USED and VGC integrated?? Thanks, Jim
All things being equal (except cost), separates, just by virtue of redundancy, should have the potential to outperform an integrated. If cost if figured into the equation, I’ll take an integrated almost every time, because the slight potential gain to be realized by that redundancy will rarely justify the cost.

If, what you’re really asking is, can you get top notch, state of the art performance from an integrated, the answer is an unequivocal yes.

I did the same thing you’re looking to do, and haven’t looked back.
Yes, absolutely. There are some excellent integrateds out there which far outperform separates in the same price range.

Some examples I've personally experienced over the last couple years have been Melody, Redgum and Decware.
I agree with Warrenh. Many years ago, when the first Focals came to the US, that little integrated was the only one that could make them listenable. Another real classic.
Of course they can and as Phaelon says, they "should" be better value. One box instead of two, preamp that again, should, be matched with the power section.

The days when customers and manufacturers dismissed integrated amps as a poor second choice, are long over. All the reputable companies make serious integrated amplifiers now, Arc, CJ, Pass etc.

My own personal all time favourite amp is an integrated, the Dartzeel H8550. I'll never be able to afford it of course.
Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates?

Absolutely! Many will even out-perform seperates, especially when you are looking at lower price ranges, like $2K. In most cases a $2K integrated amp will outperform a $1K preamp and a $1K amp, because you can put better quality components inside since you aren't paying for two chassis' (which also means more power cords and interconnects). One of the best pieces of gear I ever heard was a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp, it soundly whipped many higher priced gear I put against it. You won't find one for $2100 though.

In your price range, I'd probably be taking a hard look at the Abbingdon Music Research AMR AM-777 w/USB DAC that's currently for sale. However you seem to be wanting more power, so look for a used Ayre AX-7e or Plinius 9100 integrated, they should fill the bill nicely.