Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates?

I need to downsize to lessen moving expenses. Want ot find an integrated amp that can possibly perform equal to separates. Currently have a Bel Canto PRe3 line stage and a pair of Red Dragon M-500 digital monoblocks. I am also getting out of analog, and want to have just two pieces of electronics, that is, an integrated amp, and a CD player.

I need at least 100-150 RMS. Don't need any special features on the integrated that is, theater processor loop or inboarded DAC. Can spend up to approx $2100 for a USED and VGC integrated?? Thanks, Jim
Integrated amp: Can it perform equal to separates?

Absolutely! Many will even out-perform seperates, especially when you are looking at lower price ranges, like $2K. In most cases a $2K integrated amp will outperform a $1K preamp and a $1K amp, because you can put better quality components inside since you aren't paying for two chassis' (which also means more power cords and interconnects). One of the best pieces of gear I ever heard was a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp, it soundly whipped many higher priced gear I put against it. You won't find one for $2100 though.

In your price range, I'd probably be taking a hard look at the Abbingdon Music Research AMR AM-777 w/USB DAC that's currently for sale. However you seem to be wanting more power, so look for a used Ayre AX-7e or Plinius 9100 integrated, they should fill the bill nicely.
A cd player with built in volume control( Wadia, Audio Aero, Nagra! etc) plus a power amp is maybe another two box solution worth considering if cd is your only source.
I have a two phase system...When I want simplicity I use my Coda CSi Integrated amp...This baby gives me everything I need, and can be acquired in your price range...Then when I have the itch I go to my Modwright tube pre-amp into my B&K SS amp...I just couldn't give up my separates when I got the Coda due to my ecclectic music taste and selections. Happy with both set-ups especially the Coda and the power it delivers to my speakers.
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