Krell FPB vs Plinius SA-103 vs Pass Labs XA60.5

Advise needed for power amp upgrade please. Current setup is Modwright 5400ES player; Aesthetix Calypso pre & Krell FPB300c power amp driving Von Schweikert VR-33s. I'm very happy with this setup; only minor gripes is a touch of hardness on a few older CDs, a bit of congestion on complex musical crescendoes and sometimes I can do with a bit more sparkle in the top-end at low volumes. Then the Krell went up in smoke! After repairs, it just wasn't the same.
I've narrowed replacement power amp options within my budget down to:-
1) Used Krell FPB400cx;
2) Plinius SA-103;
3) Or maybe I can stretch to a pair of Pass Labs XA60.5.
Grateful for advise, especially from members who have owned at least 2 of my above options. Many thanks.
60 watts of class A is totally different than 60 watts of Class A-B or D. Ask Pass Labs, they say 60x5=300. But I had much more drive with these mono's compared to my older MF Nu-Vista 300 power. Which was modified. Gave more than 2x 350 watt by 8 ohm. Pass labs gives a more deep and wide stage than Krell does. It will be all about personal taste. Some people prefer Vanilla ice over Chocolate ice....
Solentgreen, If you go with Krell, get the monos and smearing problem will improve further.

I would also checkout Evo series. I find the darkness improved from KSA to FPB and I heard it was further improved in the Evo series.
I have owned a Krell FPB 300cx for more than 10 years. I am astonished to hear it becomes congested on complex passages. This is something I never noticed, and I listen to a fair amount of claasical music. Also, whatever hardness may have been present in the "c" generation was eliminated with the "cx." So I would go with the Krell. Have not had anything but stellar performance from the day it was delivered and installed in my system.
