Using 4 channels of your multichannel amp is a vertical biamp. The idea is to work the amps the same amount. With a horizontal setup the amps are under a different load because they are powering different parts of the speaker. Under those conditions, the amps sound different from each other.
As far as double biwiring goes, I'll tell you about the results I got in my system. I use The Cable Co. for all of my cables and accessories. They sent me a pair of internal biwire of Audioquest Mont Blanc and some cables other than AQ. After listening to them all, I chose the Mont Blank. I think they went for about $1600-1800. I had a question about the type of spades they used so I called AQ and told them what I was going to do. Audioquest recommended I use 2 separate runs even if I went with a less expensive cable. I ordered 2 pairs of CV-8. (About $1200 for both sets). AQ messed up my order and sent me 2 runs of type 6 instead. (about $400 for both runs and only because they were factory terminated. Type 6 is a bulk cable). They let me keep them until I got my CV-8's. The 6's were much better than any of the other cables, including the Mont Blanc. It wasn't even close. The CV-8's were a little better, but had I heard the 6 before I committed to the CV-8's, I would have kept them.
Albind recommends the Audio Perfectionist journal. I agree 100%. Its a must have.
As far as double biwiring goes, I'll tell you about the results I got in my system. I use The Cable Co. for all of my cables and accessories. They sent me a pair of internal biwire of Audioquest Mont Blanc and some cables other than AQ. After listening to them all, I chose the Mont Blank. I think they went for about $1600-1800. I had a question about the type of spades they used so I called AQ and told them what I was going to do. Audioquest recommended I use 2 separate runs even if I went with a less expensive cable. I ordered 2 pairs of CV-8. (About $1200 for both sets). AQ messed up my order and sent me 2 runs of type 6 instead. (about $400 for both runs and only because they were factory terminated. Type 6 is a bulk cable). They let me keep them until I got my CV-8's. The 6's were much better than any of the other cables, including the Mont Blanc. It wasn't even close. The CV-8's were a little better, but had I heard the 6 before I committed to the CV-8's, I would have kept them.
Albind recommends the Audio Perfectionist journal. I agree 100%. Its a must have.