To Preamp Or Not To Preamp Vac 30/30 MkII

Hello everyone. My current system consists of Vac 30/30 MkII, Wadia 860x and Audio Physics Virgoes. I am developing an itch to upgrade by adding a preamp in the 2-5 K range used and possibly upgrading Vac to Mk III se status at VAC for $2400. Please help me decide which will have a more profound improvement and if you have a similar system what brand of preamp, interconnect and speaker cable synergy you have found to work best. I listen to mostly jazz, male and female vocals and some rock. Yhanks for your input.
02-23-13: Endoit
Thanks so much for your input. I find that Wadia works great at moderate to loud sound levels on the volume control i.e level 20-55 straight into the VAC. At low levels 8-20 I seem to loose dynamics, debth, seperation etc. When I use the Wadia at level 100 with a moderately priced integrated tube amp using amps volume control sound improves at low levels. Any thoughts on whether Wadia just works best set at the highest level?Endoit

It is most probably a digital domain volume control in the the Wadia, use it direct into the VAC and it will sound better than any preamp if it is used in the top 25% of full output, drop it below this and you get what's called "bit stripping" 14bit 12bit 10bit resolution the lower you go, this is probably what you are hearing when you use it at low level (less that 75% full up.)
You should put a $20 Alps Blue Velvet 20kohm passive volume potentiometer on the input of the VAC, adjust it to where then you use the Wadia's remote volume within it's top 25% of full output. (and the Wadia has a balance control as well).
You will have better sound and save yourself $2-$5K on a preamp that's not needed.

Cheers George
Thanks everyone. I guess I will try the internal adjustment on the Wadia first or get passive attenuators. If I can try out a decent preamp that would be next although it is not easy to gain access to one when you mostly buy on Audiogon. If anyone has done a Vac 30/30 MkII to MkIIIse upgrade any comments on sound improvement would be appreciated.
Good decision, and the easiest less expensive way to begin. Try the direct route and if possible passive components such as the Lightspeed etc.Then if possible compare this approach to a premium active line stage, your ears will decide.This thread can easily become the redundant passive vs active debate for the 100th time.After hearing both types you'll know which moves you more.Your amplifier provides a very solid foundation to build upon.
I have the 30/30 Mk111 and pair it frequently with my Coincident Statement linestage. It is an excellent match for the 30/30. Soundstage and dynamics to die for. I would highly recommend the Coincident pre.
This is an old thread. I forgot about it. Well Endoit, did you rip the lid off your Wadia and fix the gain settings? Its been months. You are keeping everyone in suspense here.