Again, I'm mystified by nonesensical suggestions regarding "classical or jazz" specific gear, as that assumes other forms of music are somehow less polite and require some meatier form of support. The slam of Mahler is just as intense as the slam of dubstep, and your system's limits will be revealed in either case. Do we suggest nobody touch the volume knob? It would be more apt to suggest gear based on the question, "do you always listen at quiet, discreet, mellow, or apologetic levels so as not to wake the baby or incite passion, tawdry displays of senseless emotion, or, dare I say, DANCING?" Then a mini watt tube amp or tiny speakers are for you (and I refuse to be your friend). BALDERDASH! Jazz can be insanely dynamic, acoustic pianos can really test a speaker's strengths, and classical can be as ballsy as Norwegian Death Metal, although perhaps not as tedious and adoreable. Those Norwegians!
I'm in the "SS preamp to tube amp" camp as I want the signal to be as pure as a virgin's heartstrings (!) before it's filled with 2nd order grease by my amp. Plus, most power amps have larger and therefore more engaging tube glow than many preamps where you can't even see the damn tubes! Now I'm all upset! *sigh*'s OK...whew...