Class D vs Class A

Valvet 3.5 vs Nuforce ref 9 v3se.
Efficient and powerful vs power hungry and sweet consider pairing with Zen Adagios.Considering switch from Nuforce to Valvet will I miss the power?
Just looking at the specifications of both speaker and amplifier/s, this pairing may be powering the speakers on their low side. That's not to say it wouldn't be a good match but an in home audition would be a priority for me.

What I liked about my SE's were their ability to power my Eidolons at realistic listening levels without a hint of congestion or fatigue. By comparison I found some linear solid state amplifiers that had slight issues when pushed.

I evolved from the SE's to a pair of Hypex nCore 400 kits which are an interesting refinement in presentation yet still in the highly transparent switching amplifier theme. The nCores are now in my studio and I've gone back to big tube amplifiers in the main system.
I am in the class A camp,solid state and tubes!,the only class d amps I have heard were for subs and home theatre systems,so I really do not know much about class d amps,I would like to know more from this thread!happy listening!
Nuforce with tubed pre can be best of both worlds. Besides power pay attention to bass control and definition, transparency and liquidity
Thanks for the response guys ,I've decided to stick with the Nuforce.Why?Not for the power my room is small 12X14x9 but the sound should marry better with a new Hp 100 pre-amp adding even more sweetness into this mix might be over the top so lets keep some of the best low end control in the business,after all until your into megabuck equipment this hobby is all about striking a pleasant balance is it not?Those chrome fronted Valvets would have looked beautiful under the Hovland but all that heat and power consumption might not end up so practical either.Your input as always was weighed thanks again!
I understand your rationale but I suspect if given a listen in your system you'd have loved the Valvet.