At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?

I am 60 years old. I have bought and sold audio equipment for years while trying out gear to get the perfect blend for my system. At 60, I think I may have one more shot at a major overhaul of my system. Whatever gear I have after this next overhaul is the gear I will ride into the sunset. Geez, I hope I'm not 75 still trying to squeeze that last 3% of sonic excellence out of an equipment upgrade purchase.

I think I'm going to have to draw the line at 65.
"When they pry my paypal account credit card from my cold arthritic fingers." Hey, I'm 61 so you've got time. Nothin's gonna change my world,
so have another hit of crystal clear music. It's the trip, man, not the destination! What does bother me though is the congregation of the audiophiles getting older than an episcopalian assemblage
( judging from how many of you recognized those misquotes). We've got to get younger people involved. Start a thread about how to best do that....and don't go passive on us. We're counting on you.
Each his own, but I decided to stop now in my 40's when I listened to several $500.000,-- ++ Systems which were sonically so inferior compared to mine that it made no more sense to continue ..... my amps are matched to my speakers btw.
I would like to share that in the past 5 years I had introduced 4 of my friends to the hobby, ages,
73,67,68, 64, all of them with amazing hearing including my friend Maureen that wears a hearing aide but now they are getting so sophisticated that you can't see them and I think they can listen as good as the rest.
I have been with her from auditions on new equipment dacs minimum differences etc, and she still pick the right stuff, not mentioning her passion for classical, streaming Internet radio, picking right furniture for the system etc.
I am 40 finishing my masters and I feel so happy introducing my friends to the hobby, they have been all their lives in the west, and I emigrated to America 10 years ago, I guess is about exposure, I wish more regular consumers were expose to the right sound....

Never is too late to experience a dream sound, enjoy what you hear and don't forget that life is a personal gift and the best of all.....

My respects and regards to you all.
MartyKL--your question about Barolo made me recall the following: two friends and I each bought a bottle of Barolo for a fourth friend's 50th birthday. Several years later, our fourth friend died from cancer, and we learned that he had not drunk any of the three bottles of Barolo. At his funeral service, one of my friends spoke to the gathering, and his opening words were, "Drink the Barolo!" So buy the Barolo at any age, and go ahead and drink it.

It seems that only older audiophiles who are blessed with good hearing can appreciate exquisite sound and music. The best software, meaning LP's are also required. The very same music, and LP's that have been in my collection for ages, sounds so much more beautiful with Class "B" analogue played back on Class "A" reel to reel, I'm in heaven.

I'll buy my last amp when I can no longer afford the amp I desire, which is now, if I can't get the funds.