Sneaky new internet tax pushing through fast

(very sorry mods, please leave it up for aminute

Call your reps!!

For those of us that buy or sell anything online and don't want to be audited by 50 states plus, please take notice to the new internet sales tax that is going through fast right now!! Spread the word, call your congressman, this will put all small vendors out of business most likely, don't let it happen guys!!
Charle1dad is spot on Agon folks. Come on. Don't give a poor money manager more money to waste. What are we coming to as a country? Goodness the very last thing we need to do is to pay more in taxes to a government that has no clue on how to rightly manage it. No way!
Folks, I don't like paying taxes. But the laws are what they are. The fact that it is easy to cheat on this makes no difference. If people like me refuse to follow the existing laws, our society will collapse faster than it will from anything else.
Hi, look I'm responsible and law abiding and already pay a ton of taxes.We have sadly a federal government that collects 2.7trillion dollars in revenue (think about that sum) and yet spends 3.7 trillion! That is shameful and irresponsible, there's no other way to put it.They're collecting too much and this madness has to be faced and dealt with.We don't need more tax revenue we need a smaller and more honest government.The spending trend is a disgrace. The older I become the more genuine awe and respect I've developed for our founding fathers. Damm, they were wise and their fear of a overpowering government was well founded.
A couple of weeks ago CBS of Canada aired a program about a leaked hard drive that purported to claim that there's about 32 TRILLION dollars sitting in off shore accounts (no names, naturally). About 21 TRILLION is supposed to be owned by about 4,000 "Americans" who don't want to pay taxes on 'their" money.

I'm pretty fair minded when it comes to taxes, as already stated, it's the price one pays for a democracy (Greece started it way back when). All this talk about internet taxes has been coming for years now and I guess the gig is up.

But, can all of us (not here but this country) just wake the hell up and realize the scam that's being perpetrated on us. If we were to get just 1/3 of that 21 TRILLION (taxes and penalties) we'd be in pretty good shape.

All the best,
Charles1dad, I could not agree more with everything you said above. I paid more in federal income tax alone last year than my entire gross salary for 1985, which was sufficiently large to permit me to support a family of 5. My idea of me paying "my fair share" would involve cutting my tax bill in half. My point is that it doesn't work when people decide for themselves which laws they will obey. Taken to its extreme, that leads to anarchy. On a smaller scale, it leads to government replacing existing systems with ones that are worse, but enforceable, as in the current instance.

What is happening is that the notion of a social contract, which has been recognized as utterly essential since the age of enlightenment, has become almost completely lost. Democracy, as we currently practice it, becomes a tyranny of the average, with politicians pandering to selfish people for selfish purposes. The current situation is not a pretty picture.