Adding an expensive power cord to Chip amp

Will I hear a difference
Has anybody connected an expensive power cord to a tripath amp and hear a difference
No flame wars please I think power cords make a big difference in sound not sure if they make as big a difference in tripath amps like Audiosector patek

Opinions appreciated
Thanks for the replies
Since i'm new to Chip amps I was wondering if good power cables sound much better then stock cords
My Ridge Street Alethius power cords sounded amazing on my Dodd 120 Tube amps
I'm wondering if I should keep them and use them on my Chip amp integrated
I have been using a LessLoss DFPC Signature on my Audio Research 150.2 Tripath amp for about 3 years now and it made a huge improvement in every area of performance. I also use the standard LessLoss power cords on my Red Dragon M-500 Mono Bloc Class D amps as well. The cords improved the performance of those amps as well. I found that the same power cords didn't seem to help the performance of my Quicksilver V4 Tube amps at all. They actually didn't sound as good as the stock cords. I think that switching amps or Class D amps can benefit greatly from aftermarket PC's and/or line conditioning.