LDR Active Preamp - does it exist?

I am using passive LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) volume control LightSpeed Attenuator. As much as clarity and all the good stuff about this little preamp, I wish I can have some gain for my low sensitivity amplifiers. Is there any existing active preamp using LDR volume control?
You would want to use the ZStage between your source and the Lightspeed. If your source is 2V you can use the buffer to add another 2 or 3V to the signal. Then use the Lightspeed to attenuate.

The idea of such a device that adds voltage to the signal is not unheard of. We actually make one using all passive parts and it also has a built in attenuator.
This would be better, only use the first half it has 4 x gain, change the NE5534 for a better OPA627. It has 100k input impedance and 100ohm output impedance, put it after the Lightspeed. (Forget about the back stage with the NE5532) This would be far better than the ZStage.


Cheers George
And there's this one also,even better, already has a OPA627 and gain can be changed 7 or 2 And it has a discrete match fet output stage, I would omit R1 as the output of the Lightspeed will take it's place.


Cheers George
Burson Buffer is $550, not $700.


I have not much to say about the Decware. At the risk of being impolite, when people talk about buffers, Burson usually comes up first. I'd go with the more well known manufacturer in this case.
+1 for Burson with LDA. A great match, been happy with this combo. Also, the people at Burson are friendly and accommodating.