How much do you need to spend on a DAC to...

How much do you need to spend on a DAC to get better sound than your headphone out on a MacBook using PureMusic? Or for that matter using the DAC with my Cambridge 340C?

Should I go with something inexpensive for now and then upgrade later or just hold off since a low priced one won't really help that much?

I have recently bought new speakers and integrated and am a bit cash-strapped, but really want to make the best use of the system possible.

All of the advice I have received and all the posts I have read here on A'gon have helped so much--thanks to you all my system is better than it ever has been!

My experience has been that almost any external DAC will be an improvement over the headphone output of a Mac.

One good place to start would be with a Musical Fidelity VDAC, either the original or version 2. I use the original VDAC in my office with an iMac and like it a lot.
As mentioned, it doesn't take a whole lot to do better than the output on the Mac.

I'll add the Emotiva XDA to the list. It's one heck of a bang for the buck. I picked up an XDA-1 when they were clearing them out. I think I paid something like $200 for it. Since I got it, I've also tried a Cambridge Audio DacMagic, a V-DAC and a Bifrost. I wound up returning all three because they did not offer any advantages or benefits in my system. I'm still running the XDA-1. Emotiva is now offering their XDA-2 for something like $399.

Others that you might want to consider in the same price range (although they offer less flexibility) are the Peachtree DacIT, and the Wyred4Sound uDAC. I mention these because these are going to be the next two that I try.