Different amps for summer and winter?

I live in Southern New England, where the temperature gets to about 100 on the very worst summer days, and falls to below 0 in January or February. I've wondered, half seriously, about having two sets of amps -- a pair of class A babies to warm up my listening room in the winter, and a very cool running set of, say, class D amps for the summer months. Is there anyone out there who actually does this?
Yep, I have a Cary Sli-80 F1 for winter and a Simaudio I-5 LE for summer. Same thing in my office, a Jolida FX10 tube amp in winter and a DIY chip amp in summer.

I just made the switch to the summer amps two days ago. I moved back to Austin, Texas, a few months ago and hoped to get to May 1 with the tubes before they had to start battling the air conditioner. I used the same system in Seattle, tube amps in the long, cool fall/winter/spring and solid state in the summer in a house with no air conditioning. (The joke in Seattle is that there are two seasons, winter and August.)

Beyond the comfort and economic considerations, it's interesting to hear again the differences between the amps.
I have the Rowland 625 for listening September through June.
I use the NewClear amp in the summer.
Here in Phoenix, this is a necessity. My 625 keeps my living room 2.0 to 3.2 degrees warmer than the rest of the house, according to my atomic clock & the remote sensor that came with it.
Last August, we had a record 116 degree day here. My A/C was running 26 minutes on & 10 minutes off, to keep the house at 77 degrees, at 3:00 in the afternoon.
I really appreciate my ICE amp, when it is hot out!
I used to have this kinda madness having VTL MB100 for winter and Sunfire SRA for summer.
Decided to keep Sunfire for both of seasons because sounds better in both cases.