Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry

They have an ad in the current Du-pont registry. It's on page 3 and there is a Lamborghini on the front cover of the magazine. It's strange to me that they would advertise in Du-pont registry. Outside of the high-end world I don't believe anyone knows who they are. I can see if Mc Intosh advertises in there. They are a household name like Cadillac or Harley Davidson.

I guess business is slow an they are on a fishing expedition. I guess they figure they might catch a few whales. I personally think if they want to gamble they should go to Las Vegas.

Most car guys could care less about high-end audio. (Sure there are a few that are into it but not many) The music car guys love is what comes out of their exhaust. I know 2 guys that own Ferrari's and they never put the stereo on in their car. They love the symphony of the Ferrari motor. To them that is music.

I wish Boulder good luck with their ad but I don't think that is the place for them to advertise.
Good place for that company to advertise to get their products in front of more prospective customers that their products might appeal to and can afford as well.
08-18-13: Audiolabyrinth
sounds like boulder is desperate for sales!
Members deserve better than reading your misinformation and lies. The simple fact is Boulder have added a 4th CNC machine, employed more staff and are in the process of moving to a bigger factory in St Louis to meet demand.
As a professional marketer, I would bet that there is a high correlation between folks who buy high end cars and high end audio. They may merely be rich or just like fine things as opposed to being audiophiles but their money is still good. One of my old bosses was a multi millionaire who had a rule to 'buy the best'...because he could. He had a McIntosh system in his office. It was never on in the 5 years I worked there. I checked once and it was not even plugged in! He had an even better one at home which he used to listen to the radio.he also had about 10 lux cars,multiple houses,a cigarette boat that never moved from the parking lot,etc. If Boulder can sell to a few of the folks the ad is more than covered.