Anyone enjoy their amp's sound more than music?

I find my self being drawn into the sound of quality amps, and find myself enjoying the hifi gears as well as the music.

It's hauntingly attractive, and can't get over it - some amps like the Krell, even Adcom is not bad, and of-course we all like class A stuff.

Is this just me, or other's do this as well?

Just curious...
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Once you've gone through a few amps and learned to appreciate what a really good one can do, it can be hard to separate the two aspects. However, for me, music is the final destination. As I enjoy it, I am sometimes reminded of how I got there (the equipment). If I really enjoy a particular piece of music, I never think of the equipment except to turn it on.

All the best,
I have 10,000 + albums and if you told me I could have for free the best stereo in the world and never get a new album I wouldn't take it
Well, lots of people have 1000 + software but keep going back and listen to the 20-30 favourites. I guest that is enjoying HIFI more than music. Have to say most audiophiles are in this group.