Anyone enjoy their amp's sound more than music?

I find my self being drawn into the sound of quality amps, and find myself enjoying the hifi gears as well as the music.

It's hauntingly attractive, and can't get over it - some amps like the Krell, even Adcom is not bad, and of-course we all like class A stuff.

Is this just me, or other's do this as well?

Just curious...
The more my amps sound like the music I hear(live), a couple times a week; the more I enjoy them. Just installed four Deuland CAST-PIO-Cu coupling caps, in my mains, to get a wee bit closer.
Nuance of the performance is dependent upon nuances of adjustment to my system!!!!! The more attention I pay to what my system is doing/not doing the more I hear what the musician/conductor/engineer intended. I think this enhances my ability to enjoy/appreciate the music. Playing with and enjoying the gear is more appreciating the engineering and design thing !!!!!! I can go for long periods when everything sounds wonderful then some small detail will come to my attention and I'll have to chase it down.
Gear is just the means to the end (hearing music accurately reproduced).

Not that the gear itself can't be fun, mind you. But it's not the main point, or at least should not be IMO.