Lyra Titan i - in focus?

Some people argue that with a good pickup like this one, if you are only patient enough with repeated setup, it will one day "click" into place so to speak. Everything will be in focus, like with a telescope. However I have never experienced this effect (with this or other Lyras). Instead the pickup either sounds very good, or fairly good (unless my setup is way off). Is it a myth? I notice that Michael Fremer reviewed equipment in Stereophile for several years with his VTA/SRA quite wrong (according to his microscope). How come, if there is just one tiny little focus spot? Have anyone found this spot, and can tell me, exactly how much do you lower or raise the arm? I enjoy the Titan a lot, but I am tired of audio nevrosa symptoms, and this may be one of them.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Thank you, Jfrech and Syntax. I agree with your comments. My arm may not be the best but it should be good enough, the SME V. I fully agree with you Syntax, the Titan i is so good that tweaks continue to amaze. For example, I got considerable improvement, first, modifying my VPI HW-19, including a Bright Star sand box supported by bicycle tires (!), and lately, changing to a Hanss T-30 player with magnetic suspension.

I hope we get some "click-in" enthusiasts into this thread, describing "just the right" VTA-SRA tonearm (or shell) adjustment. If no one shows up, my preliminary verdict is that even if overall setup is very important, the VTA/SRA is not that critical. But this is obviously a topic that needs more illumination.
O-holter, What alignment protractor are you using? I used to own an SME V and now have the SME V-12. In each case, I had a Mint LP protractor made for my specific arm/cartridge combination and found that it does improve alignment over the standard SME template.

Have you also played with cartridge loading and gain on your phono stage? These and VTF can also effect results.

To Syntax's point, the SME V is effective at draining energy away from the cartridge down the arm tube and into the armboard. I also removed the finger lift from my arm which in theory at least can introduce additional vibration at a very bad location.
Thanks Peterayer. Did the Mint protractor measurement make you move the arm forwards or backwards in the base compared to the SME protractor?
Very slightly forward on the V and very slightly back in the V-12. But perhaps more importantly, it showed at the null points that the cantilever was not quite tangent to the groove, so I had to twist the cartridge in the headshell and it made a real difference.
Peterayer - this is very interesting. In my case I have always felt that the Titan (and earlier Lyras) had to be shifted slightly to the right, seen from the front of the record player. With the SME V arm, you cannot change much, but I took the freedom to bore the circular screw holes slightly oblong. Thereby I can turn the pickup a slight bit towards the right in the shell (seen from the front), to make it sound its best. Is this in line with your experience?