Hi Jjy, admittedly, my M725s are wonderful amps, but what I heard tonight on M925 at the 576 hour mark, is simply not possible on M725. I was postponing any serious listening to tomorrow morning (Saturday), so I decided to turn on my old NAD tuner and listen to Film Score Focus on KMFA Austin instead... Today the program was dedicated to "travelling to the Moon" or something to that effect.... The track "The launch" -- by James Horner I believe -- from the 1995 film "Apollo 13" blew my mind for the intimate depth and power of the bass.... Not a bloated swelling thing, but a tidal depth at the very bottom of the audible range.... Something that the triple 9" bass drivers of the Muzik speakers were transmitting to my chest and feet perhaps more than to my ears. The entire image: bass, and mostly synthetic orchestra occupied a solid continuum from beyond the left wall to beyond the right wall. Mesmerizing is perhaps the best way to describe it... Sure, there was authority and all of that, but.... An authority that just "exists" without the need of questioning its right to be... An authority that works for the music material without attracting attention to itself.... Just allowing the material to flow in a totally integrated way, because.... It is in the nature of music to achieve that... And in the nature of the amps to deliver the effortless magic.
I realize that this is rambling and all, but tonight I do not have a better way to express it.
Tomorrow I will play once again my usual test tracks... But I have a strong hunch that the bass malaise that I reported last week has gone away.
By the way JJY, do you own Rowland M725 monos?
Best, Guido
I realize that this is rambling and all, but tonight I do not have a better way to express it.
Tomorrow I will play once again my usual test tracks... But I have a strong hunch that the bass malaise that I reported last week has gone away.
By the way JJY, do you own Rowland M725 monos?
Best, Guido