Kevin gets the

Both Stereophile and Absolute Sound review Prima Luna's integrated at the same time...did Kevin threaten to pull his full page ads or else? Don't get me wrong, I have purchased many a tube etc. from Kevin over the years, and he has always been courteous and quite helpful... But this is a perfect example how the world has always worked , and as much as the Internet makes me crazy at times I'm grateful for the free exchange of opinions we still have on sites like Audiogon etc.
At T.H.E. Show in Newport this past weekend, I was admiring Kevin's Ferrari, prominently parked in front of the Hilton every day. He had an excellent two-room exhibit and great sound. Not sure he needs to make any changes.
Over the last ten years I've purchased a ton of tubes, Cary Cd, Prima Luna Monos, SF Cremonas, and a bunch of other stuff from Kevin. He's never been less than 100% straight up with me. I guess that over enough time and enough transactions things are bound to go south somewhere, but IME your odds of satisfaction with Kevin are significantly higher than with most audio retailers.

Not sure if they are still on, but for a long time there were many "reviews" of Kevin's lines that all mentioned Upscale Audio. The funny thing is that the writing style for all of the reviews was identical...same phrases, sentence structure, style, etc. They were like reading an UA add. I do not know they were ghost written, but they sure sounded like it. Hmm.
Drubin.... What does a narcissistic display of a Ferrari have to do with good customer service... I have been in business for forty years and my ego doesn't show up at work.
Drubin-There are many dealers that really care about music, the quality of their products they sell and most importantly their customers(regardless of how much they spend). From my very limited experience with Upscale and the consensus of the comments, Upscale is all about profit. Remember we have the power to put clowns like this out of business. Then the only time Kevin gets near a Ferrari is by parking or washing one!