What is your preference, Records or CDs?

I'm no expert on turntables but I believe my Quadraflex reference direct drive turntable is doing a fine job delivering an excellent sound. I have had some friends come over and they thought I was playing a CD. I'm not sure if this is a compliment. I love playing records and constantly seek them out. I know that some upcoming artists have even chosen to record their music on records and obvious it is not a dying media. I have seen some pretty exotic turntable designs on audiogon and my question is what to look for or what is important about it's design.
7) use an appropriate template or similar device suited to the table for setup and alignment of cart on tonearm. How did I forget this one? For example, Linn provides a printable paper template that can be used to properly align a cart on their tables.
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In terms of sound quality, I don't think there is a clear winner. However, I think digital is a more accurate way of reproducing music. Analogue introduces some distortions and omits some information, and therefore may ultimately sound more musical to the human ear.
One variable to consider is the recording process: was it recorded and mastered for vinyl or digital? Another variable to consider is the type of music. Amplified/digital musics may be bettered served by digital. Unamplified jazz, vocals, chamber music lend themselves to vinyl.
06-19-13: Marakanetz
CD is obsolete and records are collectible. I've replaced all of my CDs by storage medias.
I'm sorry to read this Marakanetz.
i'm not lots of former cds are in the hi rez format 24/96. no need for pricey cd-player too.