Low-Powered Tube Amp for Zu Soul MkII?

I'm totally new to tube gear, but I just got a new pair of Zu Soul Mark II speakers, and I think my old solid state integrated might need to be replaced with a tube amp. I've been reading that these high-efficiency speakers really like lower-powered tube amps, and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with them. Here are my constraints:

I have a small room.
I'd love to get something that's made in the 'ol USA.
Preferably around or below $2K.
It would be ideal if it could fit inside our existing cabinet, which is 17.5" deep (this rules out the Cronus and maybe even the Sphinx, unless I make some huger changes).

I love the look of the Rogue Cronus and maybe the Sphinx even more, and these prices are conceivable. But one of my conditions is that I need to be able to hide all this stuff, and my cabinet's too small depth-wise for some of these bigger amps, sadly.

Thanks for any suggestions!
A refurbished Dynaco ST-35 or SCA-35 would suit nicely. You may find that the extra power (~15 watts/channel) does not hurt and they are certainly compact. For your budget you could find the used Dyna and have it refurbished easily.

The SCA-35 has a phono section built in as well....
Thanks very much everyone for your suggestions, the board of domestic affairs is mulling them over. The idea of vintage gear appeals strongly to me, and I'd love to do that someday, but the prospect of another project on my hands might be out of the question (I have too many things that need a lot of tinkering to maintain already). The little Eastern Electric amp seems like it might be a solid piece too- and might be the way to go if we decide to change our handmade-in-USA-only-directive. I really dig the Decware stuff, and the Zen Triode integrated with its four inputs seems intriguing. The Quicksilver remote control integrated amp looks interesting too- anyone heard one of these?
If you haven't already, search the archived threads here. Much information available of member's actual experiences of amplifiers mated with your same speakers.
The vintage "Made In USA" amp suggestion is one that would be very attractive to me!
"I'd recommend looking into a Decware amp. Gopher on this forum loved the Taboo with Zu Souls and I think that the lower powered Decwares could work well too. "

I actually owned the Torii MK3 with the Soul Superflys and I can attest to it having been a good combination, but not until I had a very good active preamplifier in front of it (Audion Premiere) which puts it above OP's stated budget.

What I DO recommend and know is awesome with Zu Soul Superflys is the Melody MK88 integrated. Its retail is just shy of $2000 and I preferred it to the Torii/Audion and the Rogue Cro-Mag. Drop some Black Treasure power tubes in, some JAN 6SJ7s and GE five star 6ak5 tubes in there and you've got an amazing kit.
Talk to Sean or Gerrit at Zu, they've tried a bunch of amps with their speakers. I think a refurb Dynaco st70 was the top "Bang for the buck" amp pick along with the other suggestions here.