Seeking alternatives to Oppo

I am considering going with a single box player in place of my current transport/DAC. My friend loaned me his Oppo BDP 83, and after a day of listening, (I'm still evaluating it) I think that the BDP 105 might be a good alternative for my system. The thing is, I like all of the extra features, but I am most concerned with conventional CD replay, and I would like opinions any members may have about players in the same price range ($1,200.00)that you feel are as good or better than the Oppo. I was very impressed by the dynamics of the lesser BDP 83, and dynamics are one of my priorities.
Wow, I forgot that I had even initiated this thread!
Breezer, to answer your question, no I didn't buy the Oppo. After living with my friends Oppo BDP 83 for a couple of weeks, I realized that for my ears and sonic priorities, it was all wrong. The resolution was good to be sure, but for me, it was sadly lacking in what some would call musical "flow", and overall, I just felt that the picture it painted was very artificial sounding, with some details being too prominent. I was just always aware of its "sound".
It occurred to me that it was the type of player that would have impressed me a dozen or so years ago, before I was introduced to Audio Note's least expensive DAC.
So, I took the leap and had a DAC 2.1 built for me by Audio Note Kits. Again, for my ears, it just leaves the Oppo in the dust.
What makes Oppo better/more popular with audiophiles than most of the other usual contenders?
Mapman asked,

"What makes Oppo better/more popular with audiophiles than most of the other usual contenders?"

Upgradability. Onwards and upwards.
I think because it is affordable, and the technology sounds impressive when you read about it. It is also versatile. I think that there is a certain customer for it, and the friend that I borrowed one from is close to what I think the target customer would be. He cares about sound, but not too much. He also wants a versatile, up to date one box solution that interfaces with his other gadgets. I think that they offer good value for the money, but it's probably best to listen to them first to make sure that it fits with your sonic preferences.