Why does Amps/Preamps forum have most threads?

Just wondering, this forum has the more threads than any other. I thought Speaker forum would top them all. Does this mean people covet Amps more than any other audio component? Just curious.
It always surprises me that most people seem to agree with the notion that speakers make the biggest difference in the sound that is heard, yet at the same time many of those same people consider various upstream components to be more "important."

As to the original question, while good points are made in several of the preceding answers, I particularly agree with the response by RLWainwright.

-- Al
After a few decades of audio some come to the conclusion
that the speakers just let you know what your upstream components sound like(overstated a bit) .
Thanks for your fine answers. I used to drool over speakers, but as I get older I am growing much fonder of amplifiers. A beautifully built and sounding amp, especially tubed ones, do it for me like no other. May be it's the glow, the warmth, the smell. It gets all fuzzy inside, like your first crush :). Just look at some of these amps. They say porn sites are the most visited sites in the world. This is pure audio porn!

Tweaking an amp is much easier than towing speakers, installing room treatments, filling stands with kitty litter or installing feet on heavy speakers.