Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
Hi Joe,
I purchased mine about 5 months ago (just getting around to using them recently).They came from tube the price has increased since then unfortunately. Still a bargain relatively speaking. George offers very good service, I'd buy from him again.
I received my Franks to other day. I have around 15 hours on them the sound is pretty good. How many hours before it fully opens up?

Hopefully, the soundstage will expand both in width and layered depth and the sound will really flesh out, as of now my First Watt J2 sounds much better.

I am using the EML 300b XLS tubes. On my amps the 300b sockets ( big pins face the back) make the front of the tubes face the back of the amp.
Is anybody else's that way? I would like it turned around, so you can see the light and nice label.

Joe be patient, these amps need roughly 200 hours to burn in. They will steadily open up.The tubes need some hours also.Germanboxers and I gave you our honest opinion, we both find the Franks wonderful. Too early to say but perhaps you may not feel the same. These things are impossible to predict.The First Watt amp may suit you more but I`d avoid rash judgements.If you search the archives, the Franks are nesrly always praised and admired. No component will please everyone all the time.
I'll be patient, Charles. No knee jerk reactions, just giving my first thoughts.
The amp is very quiet and the sound is grain free,which is a good think.

After all these years I know it will get better, just wanted to know how much better.
Joe ,
Believe me I understand.I thought the Franks were"good" right off the UPS truck and they just kept improving with time.Your First Watt J2 amp is a different sound but makes a very good reference point.I moved from a 100 watt push pull tube amp, again diferent sound for sure.
Best of Luck,