Hegel h20 h4ase or h30

I am a tube amplifiers fan, but i am considering buy an HEGEL power amplifier.
Have any person listen ADN compared the different versions.
I have read that h30 have moré plenty and weight, but i do not know whtasapp model Will be moré plenty warmer And "tubey" sound.
I appreciate your opinions.
Many thanks
Savamy, while Hegel electronics have a very smooth and involving quality, I wouldn't necessarily describe them as sounding like tube gear. They do however avoid many of the undesirable solid state artifacts that some lesser equipment exhibits. Only you will be able to tell if you'd be happy with them as a replacement to the tube gear in your system. I wouldn't suggest relying on other's opinions to make such a decision and if possible try to get a demo in your system.
I agree with Bill. I was able to have an in home demo with the Hegel amp; immediately it bested the pair of Bryston 28sst's I had driving my speakers; with 1000 watts per side. As you know; its not the number of watts; but their quality and construction to allow a low noise floor, to permit the detail and sound stage to flow. The improvement in my case was so obvious and wonderful; I bought the amp on the spot; without auditioning other amps. There is nothing like forming your own opinion if possible; but its getting harder with the demise of quality dealers who have ability of providing this basic test and service.
Good luck with your journey.
Many thanks , i really apreciate your support and experiences.
Mirbob, You hace use the hegel h30 with tube preamplifier...
¿Has you listen the hegel P30 vs VAC.?
Unfortunately, no. I love my vac, and owned it prior to getting the Hegel. I have heard the Hegel amp/preamp combo, and it's wonderful. I just like blending a tubed pre with solid state amp, and the vac has both aes and RCA connections, and HT bypass, which I needed
Took the plunge on a Hegel cdp4a and finally had a chance to listen for a few hours last night.  Very nice machine! Best bass of any cdp I've owned. Involving, musical, and extremely well built. Close to analog sounding with no edge or bite.  Great mid range, big soundstage, it's a keeper!