Best AV processors for under $10K

Looking for AV processor that takes care of best of both worlds (audiophile 2 channel and multichannel for movies). I have used Bryston SP2.0 and loved it's two channel sound but it is outdated for video. Classe SSP800 is one option but would like to hear what other options are out there. Also, internal DAC must be top notch for 2 channel.
If you are just using the SSP for movies as you're suggesting, you are indeed far better off getting a competent SSP in the 2-3K range, and spend the rest on a top notch 2 channel DAC/Preamp (for ease of integration, the DAC/PReamp should have an analog input to be used as HT bypass).

You could acquire something like the Bel Canto 3.5vb DAC (external powersupply optional), which has an analog input. Better still would be to get the MSB analog DAC and get the analog input option and do the same. You'd be a bit over budget, but on 2 channel this would beat the crap out of ANY SSP you can get below 10K (and above 10K as well for that matter), and for movies your 2-3K processor would be good enough.

Another options is to get a SSP+DAC+Preamp with HT bypass, but three boxes my be a bit too much....
Jdub39 wrote, "For the stereo version on an given sacd I prefer pure DSD but if that same disc has a 5.1 mix I prefer to covert it to PCM with Audyssey"

Doesn't that require changing the Oppo menu each time you switch between stereo and 5.1, or can you elect to convert DSD to PCM in the Marantz 8801, assuming you use digital input?

My Oppo 105 is set to DSD for sacd output (stereo default) as the 8801 can accept a native DSD bitstream over hdmi from there I can leave it un touched or convert it to PCM and apply bass mgnt and Audyssey. I also use the Balanced outs from the Oppo 105 to the 8801's balanced inputs and I use the 8801's Pure Direct mode ( its an assignable to what ever mode you choose I use CD))for 2/ch DSD no need to go back into the menu and switch because I use hdmi for multi/ch and xlr for the analog outs on the 105 for 2/ch, so once setup its done!
You can also toggle between the stereo and 5.1 tracks on an sacd by using the Audio button on the Oppo 105, of course if I want the Oppo 105 to do the conversion I set it to LPCM instead of bitstream for hdmi out and the same applies in the 8801 you can still add Audyssey!