Argo's Oscar nominations look like...

Obama's Nobel prize.
I'd regret paying to see it in the movies.
I'm not sure the Home Theater forum is the best place for this thread, but I think AudiogoN should have a forum available for people to discuss ideas tangential to music and movies.
There's music portion, but there's no movie. So the Home Theater for now and movies later:-)
no i counted hours from posting till posted. if moderation is automated, than i don't need to wait 4 hours...

There are days when no new threads are posted for 8-10 hours. I never considered the delay was because moderators were looking at them. If I had to guess I'd say there was either no moderator on duty or the moderator on duty was asleep at the wheel. More likely just the new and improved Audiogon working as designed.
I'm definitely stupid. I'm still able to do everything I did fifty years ago and actually a bit more here in California.

Are you sure you're OK?
Been pulled over for no reason?
Can't buy liquor on Sunday?
Bad hair day?
Haven't gotten a raise in the last fifteen years?
Can't get an abortion?
No pot stores in your state?
Can't marry your partner where you live?

Is that what's troubling you Bunkey?
That's what you see, but I don't care and really don't give
a truck weather it's been just sittin' or moderated. It's
just there.

I got ya. You'll be even OK when halifat takes over
constitution and I won't.