Passive/line stage HT preamp?

OK, so I'm upgrading my HT. I'm getting the Oppo BDP-105, an HT preamp, and a projector (likely Epson).

My question is this: Is there such a thing as a passive, or straight line stage, home theater preamp? Can't I just let the Oppo handle all the processing? Room correction aside, are there codecs/modes that the DVD player can't handle?

Actually, I guess a better way to ask the question is can I go directly from the analog outs of the Oppo to my amps? Do I lose anything that way?
"Actually, I guess a better way to ask the question is can I go directly from the analog outs of the Oppo to my amps? Do I lose anything that way?"

The Oppo has a volume control that works in the digital domain? Such controls theoretically lose resolution as the volume is reduced. You may prefer to insert a preamp that has an analog-based volume control like the Parasound P7 that Kal mentioned.
Other affordable candidates are the McCormack map1 and the bel canto 6 channel preamp that occasionally shows up used.