WireWorld HDMI: Starlight 6 VS Island 6

WireWorld HDMI: Starlight 6 VS Island 6

What should be the choice ? I know price big difference between the two.

But is it worth ?

Or you have other recommendations.

Thanks in advance
Csukasem -

I use the Wireworld Silver Starlight 5.2 HDMI w/ my Pioneer Elite 59AVi player. The pic & sound are stunning.

Go with the Starlight.
I'm not afraid of spending money for good cables. I have PS Audio XStream Reference Bi-wire speaker cables and Kimber Hero interconnects in my HT system. But the high bandwidth requirements and typically long cable runs of HDMI make me think that for a good data transfer there must be a better way than enhancing a passive interface with expensive metallurgy.

Playing on that hunch, I ordered up a trio of Redmere Technology HDMI cables from Monoprice at a mere $13.49 each. Redmere taps into a low voltage conductor in the HDMI bundle to power a little booster chip installed in the destination end of a Redmere HDMI cable to keep signal strength and speed up to spec.

I just took delivery yesterday and installed them. This is easily the best pic and sound I've ever gotten in my HT rig. I'm not saying it's better than the $1K solid silver AudioQuest because I've never tried it, but for me I've decided not to get those Pangeas from AudioAdvisor after all--$40.47 vs. $239.85 for three 2M lengths.

I have no affiliation with Redmere or Monoprice, but I think that at these prices and their return policy, it's worth checking out before spending more.
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