Help me pick some speakers

I am moving out of state and will be getting an apartment for the next year or so. So assume a small space. I need speakers. I have a Sunfire 300x2 amp and Sunfire Theatre Grand II. I have MIT Pro-line XLR interconnects, Tara Labs S&T II speaker wire and Tara labs Prism Special AC power cords. Only looking for two channel. Any suggestions on a used speaker that won't break the bank, say $1000 or less. Listen to mostly jam band, rock and want good bass without killing neighbors with a sub woofer. Not too concerned about floor space, so floor mount is OK, just looking for best quality for my money. Thanks for any replies!
I'd second Dynaudio.

OHM Walsh would be hard to beat but with the caveat that bottom ports might not be the most neighbor friendly thing in an upper level apt.

I listen to similar music readily and have been running OHM and Dynaudio happily now for a few years.
Walstib, I have the same amp and it mates extremely well with Ohm Walsh. I've been very happy with this combo. It sounds wonderful.
I'd say dynaudio as well will serve you well. Also revel M20s are a great speaker that is very well made and is a great used value. Really any model dynaudio would work great that you can find in your range. Not sure how they mate to your amp but I've owned many and they are a great set it and forget it and enjoy the music type speaker.
I have to comment on the Thiel 3.5 recommendation. I have these speakers and love some jam bands. They almost always let anyone record their performances, but some of these amateur recordings are just not great sounding. These recordings sound awful on the Thiels because they're so accurate and ruthlessly revealing, I suppose. If you listen to audience recordings, you way want to research speakers that do well with recordings of various quality. Thiel 3.5s are definitely not one of them.