Speakers for VAC sigma 160i -- need inputs

Hi, need inputs from the pros here...

Anybody knows which speaker is the best for VAC sigma 160i.
price range should be around 5k-15k

Im thinking of these :

1. Tannoy Kensington.
2. Reference 3a nefes.
3. Magico s1.
4. Totem element metal.
5. coincident super victory 2.
6. Duevel bella luna.

7. or something else....your recommendation will be appreciated...
I take it back. They're probably all good speakers. I have heard the coincidents and thought very highly of them. Just audition the Coincidents before you purchase. I think they would be a great match with the 160i.
Evolution Acoustic MicroMM1's with stands for $2500 new! Far superior to the Magico 1's. I own the MM2 but am considering the Micro MM1's for my home theater. Best deal in audio. Email Jonathan Tinn at Chambers Audio.