Can you smell your speakers when youre rockin out?

Lol, I know this a funny question, but whenever I'm listening at loud volumes, I can smell my speakers. It's always the same smell no matter what speakers I've had. It's not a burning smell, more like the insulation used in the boxes. Is it the air blowing through the insulation and then out the port, or cooked voicecoils? Like I said, it doesn't smell like burning electronics but I 'm not sure what it is. It kind of smells good; like new rubber in a bike shop or race gas smells to me. It's the association of good times :-)
I once had an old Marantz 1060 amp that smelled wonderful when it warmed up. Someone must have spilled a little scented oil or something into it.
When I turn it up, sometimes I can smell my neighbor heating up before calling the cops.
Lol MT, Ha Ha!
All Jokes aside, I can't believe I'm the only one. I don't know if it's the voice coils because it doesn't smell like burning electronics, or burning anything for that matter. It does smell more like batting / wood glue perhaps but part of me wonders if it is voice coils, which would be bad and in which case I should turn it down but if it is batting and glue, then I'll just rock on :-)
Back about 10 years ago I had a pair of Martin Logan Quest Z's that didn't agree with one of the preamps that got "rotated" in one afternoon during a preamp "shoot-out" and something went terribly wrong...fried a bunch of wiring and resistors and stuff on both crossovers. But that sure as hell didn't smell too good. Smelled like $100 dollar bills going up in flames! Ha Ha Ha! (which it really DID end up costing multiple Benjimin Franklins to get my speakers fixed). Oh the joy....