Lore vs Vandersteen ICi vs Ohm Walsh Talls

I have read most of the discussion on AG and even Audio Asylym about two of these speakers. However, Vandersteen 1Ci is an upgrade model with a new tweeter and crossover. The three speakers are approximately in same price range, except the Lore which is less at $1000.

I have heard much about the Lore speakers, but there size makes them a bit overbearing for a 14X12 room, unlike the Vandy's and Walsh Talls.

I would appreciate comments about these three speakers system. Never got a response to a few technical questions from either Vandersteen or Ohm-Walsh. Thank you
If it is the Red Dragon Class D amp, 250 w/ch, that should be a very good match to bring out the best in the OHMs. I use 500 w/ch Class D amps with mine.

Should work well with Vandy as well I would think. OHM and Vandy are different designs, though I think OHM and Class D amps are a hard combo to beat. The choice would probably revolve largely around whether you want to give more omni speakers a try or not.

Not sure high power Class D amps would be the best choice to bring out best of Lores, but it should work fine.
As a past owner of Rectilinear 3A, early ESS, as well as Vandersteen 2CEs, I can vouch for the Tekton Lore, Tekton 4.5s which I own as well as the Lore M. Each of the Tektons are very good speakers. The Lore-M is owned by my brother connected to an Almarro 205 MK II (5 watts per channel). I like the Tektons much more so than the Vandersteens. Very efficient, excellent with SET and other low- powered tube amps; but they also play great with solid state.
Do you find the Tekton a more open,clear and transparent speaker than the Vandersteen? I`ve heard several of the Vandersteen models and thought they`re ok, not bad, but nothing special(somewhat veiled in character).Tekton owner word of mouth is very enthusiastic.I haven`t had the opprotunity to hear them.
Charles I Dad, yes, the Tekton is more "open, clean and transparent." The Lore has better Bass. Also better soundstage width, depth, height. More dynamic. The little 4.5 is more coherent. If my sonic memory is working PRAT is better as well. With my equipment, every parameter is superior.