Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

I was the first respondent to this thread and was a bit abrupt. Having no experience with any of the gear that Aprica asked about, I only felt that the Tannoys would more fit within MY OWN personal likes in a system build. Many great thoughtful posts above... barring the first two:)
Charles, If you review this thread, 99% of the comments are about Tannoy. I've noticed audiophiles who find gear which gets them off the merry go round do not post endlessly about their gear on forums. It's only really 'aspirational' audiophiles who do that. I did that with Ayon and sold my CD-5, then CD-5s within 2 years. I counted the number of Tannoy speakers up for sale on the 'Gon (21) vs Magico (5). That tells you something.
Hi Mel,
One point to consider concerning the numder of a brand's used equipment is the company's size. Tannoy has been around a "long time" and sells many more models than Magico. I'd say there are far more owners of Tannoy and thus they'd be expected to have more used speakers in the marketplace. Magico is a much more recently established company relatively speaking.
Given the many, many, many thousands of Tannoys that have been sold, I would say the number for sale versus the number in the field is extremely low.

I have never seen any brand of speaker that it is so common to have folks own for decades. At least 2 things are required for that: musicality (meaning sounds like music) and repairability. Good luck on that last point for so many boutique manufacturers.
Good point Charles about sales volumes. It just gets a bit exasperating when comparison threads get disproportionate commentary purely because one manufacturer has been around longer and gained more supporters. In a sense, now I can understand why "Brand names" like Nike get such a large market share. Bigger doesn't always mean better however. But to be clear I think Tannoy make some great speakers. The Westminster Royal SE are tremeandous speakers, but are extremely large and for many audiophiles impractical. Magico speakers are so transparent to source, they demand a lot of upstream equipment and on owners achieving system synergy. That is not for everyone. No doubt Tannoy are more forgiving. There are pro's and con's to both approaches.