Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

I'v skimmed through all these posts again, and still don't know what the OP finally decided on. Did I miss something?

Al, In a nutshell I'm suggesting Mbovaird's recent comments about his ill-fated S5's are disingenuous based on his long history of flipping gear to promote his own interests, and that Charles blind defense of his comments is at best uninformed. Instead of considering that I might have a considered opinion, members here instead went on the attack suggesting I have an ulterior motive and am speaking out of ignorance. Anyway, this thread has become a Tannoy love-in and has long-since ceased being a balanced discussion. There are other forums which offer objective and constructive discussion on the S5's. This is not one of them.
Thanks and I much appreciate your very kind comments.
Mel, we're all just guys sharing opinions on a topic of common interest.I'm just as entitled to a viewpoint as you(no more, no less). Tannoy lovefest? Because some listeners here prefer them to the Magico? come on! Anyway I've said what I have to say, there's nothing useful to be gained by continuing to go on and on about this.Would it be a Magico "lovefest" if more comments here happened to agree with you? I don't understand the anger on a thread simply discussing speakers.
Take Care,
Interesting Charles that you claim "I'm just as entitled to a viewpoint as you" then proceed to attempt to discredit me by rubbishing my comments. It sais a lot that other participants in this thread support your comments.
Dave - spoke to my dealer today and he doesn't think the super tweeter is beneficial with the new GR series and its advances. He said the super tweeter was beneficial with the SE series.

Not sure....would still like to try them though.
