Melbguy - I ask you to look at what I said.
I acknowledged even for products I am positive towards some don't like them, and was very concerned some were not saying what they thought because they were intimidated by people like me.
These days I try very hard to be even handed and get people to forget what those positive or negative towards a bit of gear think.
Regarding this thread I pointed out I prefer the Tannoy, but deliberately refrained saying why. I even pointed out my view meant nothing. You must hear them and make up your own mind.
I really do feel, compared to some in this thread, I have been very fair. The last post I did was a distillation of many years experience listening to gear. I pointed to a review you never see, one where one person pans a product, and another is the exact opposite to get the point across.
To be blunt I believe my comments were very neutral and unbiased.
I acknowledged even for products I am positive towards some don't like them, and was very concerned some were not saying what they thought because they were intimidated by people like me.
These days I try very hard to be even handed and get people to forget what those positive or negative towards a bit of gear think.
Regarding this thread I pointed out I prefer the Tannoy, but deliberately refrained saying why. I even pointed out my view meant nothing. You must hear them and make up your own mind.
I really do feel, compared to some in this thread, I have been very fair. The last post I did was a distillation of many years experience listening to gear. I pointed to a review you never see, one where one person pans a product, and another is the exact opposite to get the point across.
To be blunt I believe my comments were very neutral and unbiased.