Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

Mbovaird, thanks for the info. I guess try the supertweeters if you want to...:D
Bill, to be fair I haven't heard your speakers & so I don't know why you have such big wraps on them, so i'll make you a deal. I'll make a time to drop over & hear them with some familiar music (easy to do if you live in Victoria, otherwise i'll have to wait until probably early next year if you live interstate when I can free up some funds to take a flight). Good cheer promised. Then atleast I could understand why they invoke such passion. And if you have an open mind to the Devil (Magico) you're also welcome to drop over any time & hear my system.

I love these kind of threads. Aprica said he wound NOT look at any other bands and the thread is full of OTHER brand suggestions.

You said "and that tubes and diy gear beats $30 and $40k Vitus, Dartzeel etc, I lose interest and walk away. Its like can get a top engineer and modify a Subaru as much as you will never be a Porsche. It will just be a very good Subaru"

This is not a valid comparison. Audio is for the most part a very subjective hobby. This is not like comparing cars where objective benchmarks can be used to quantify performance (0-60 mph time, braking time etc.). Many people can indeed prefer a $1000 tube amp or as you derisively refer to as diy gear, to a $40,000 Vitus or Dartzeel gear.
That does not make their choice wrong or any less valid. If Bill feels strongly about Lenehan audio speakers and wants to promote them, why is that seen as a problem? He thinks they are the best as per his ears and his taste in sound reproduction.
The only Magico speaker I have heard is the S5 -- it was a dealer demo and I thought the speaker was awesome.
You & Usermanual are just hellbent on trying to discredit people who do not say that the Magicos are simply the best.
'inevitably return to how Lenehan speakers are equal to, if not the best sounding speakers in the world, and that tubes and diy gear beats $30 and $40k Vitus, Dartzeel etc, I lose interest and walk away.'

Oh dear. How you get that from what I wrote is beyond me. I said nothing even remotely like that, nor did I mention any of those names.

Methinks you have a chip on thine shoulders.
