Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

People here are mature adults and can accept contrary points of view, that's simply life

I must have missed something, but what king of “views” are we talking about? I “like/dislike” is a view more suitable to a 5 year old.

Sorry if I offended you (or made you sad), but I get ticked off when people insist of displaying ill-informed ideas over and over again. This is not about Magico, it is about making well informed choices and sharing real useful information with others, not just feeling. But I guess this is too much to ask for...
"This is not about Magico, it is about making well informed choices and sharing real useful information with others, not just feeling"


You are probably too obtuse to understand this concept but in a subjective hobby like audio it is a lot about personal "feeling". For a lot of enthusiasts, objective parameters plan second fiddle.
Charles, I find your childish and passive aggressive put downs of anyone who expresses a positive viewpoint about Magico are the epitome of immaturity and rather pathetic. I also find your statement "You're right and everyone with an alternative viewpoint is wrong" ironic when you attack anyone who espouses a preference for Magico. No one on this forum should be subjected to such a depraved and personal attack as your attack on Usermanual, and I advise I have taken action to report your post to the Forum administrators.
08-05-14: Apdoc2004
informed choices and sharing real useful information with others, not just feeling"


You are probably too obtuse to understand this concept but in a subjective hobby like audio it is a lot about personal "feeling". For a lot of enthusiasts, objective parameters plan second fiddle.
Apdoc, Usermanual clearly stated above "not just feeling" so he in no way excluded that element of musicality.
In a previous post I congratulated you on your ownership of the Magico S5 speaker and wished you many years of enjoying them, I meant every word I wrote. I can easily accept and acknowledge that taste and preferences vary amongst all of us. It's a fact the I find quite understandable, subjective decisions entail numerous factors.

Every brand of an audio component will have admirers (some devout) and detractors, no exceptions, so this includes Magico. This is just how things are, people choose what appeals to them and reject what does not suit their needs. Why is this hard to conceive? This reaction from you and Usermanual is frankly puzzling. If you feel obligated to report me due to an open forum discussion on speakers, do as you must. You coming up with this idea speaks volumes.For the last time, guys, we're only discussing a hobby topic. The emotional response from both of you is confounding.
Take Care,