Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday

I'm going Saturday and Sunday.
Hours of the show are today, Friday, 2pm to 8pm.
Saturday 10am to 6pm.
Sunday 10am to 5pm.

Location of show is in Midtown at 455 Madison Avenue (between 50th and 51st streets) at NY Palace Hotel.

Number to call for tickets.
If you buy tickets, they'll send you an email and you just print out the ticket.
me to. I saw Wes Bender will have a display at room 903.
I hope he brings the Hansen speakers. I want to hear those speakers.
The top of the line YG Acoustics speakers will be in rooms 1021 and 1022

Here's a list of all the exhibitors at the show.
I also want to check out the Genesis G2 Jr speakers with Burmester electronics in the Genesis room, on the Louis Meeting Room on the 4th floor