Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday

I'm going Saturday and Sunday.
Hours of the show are today, Friday, 2pm to 8pm.
Saturday 10am to 6pm.
Sunday 10am to 5pm.

Location of show is in Midtown at 455 Madison Avenue (between 50th and 51st streets) at NY Palace Hotel.

Number to call for tickets.
If you buy tickets, they'll send you an email and you just print out the ticket.
All you gotta do is listen and you'll understand why Coincident gets mentioned.
I assume you are Joseph and I just want to say that I've always thought your speakers were very good at their price points. I don't recall the music being played, but they sounded like somebody eliminated the frequencies below 250hz. Just shrill and unbalanced. It's possible I was just standing in some part of the room that cancelled out the lower frequencies or something like that. The Pulsars have an excellent reputation, so, as I stated in my post above, it must have been the room or the recording.
I have to agree with alot of people, the best sounding speakers were the Coincident Pure Reference Extreme Loudspeakers. I'm not even a fan of Ceramic drivers, but these Coincident speakers sound great.
I'v heard speakers that used Ceramic drivers that sounded dry.
These Coincident speakers sounded very smooth and sweet and the bass was upbeat and tight. I'm pretty sure those 12 inch woofers on the side of the Coincident speakers are either Scanspeak or Peerless woofers.

I also heard the Wilson Maxx 3 speakers with top of the line VTL tube amps and VTL preamp and something was wrong with the Maxx 3 speakers. There was no bass and the mids sounded messed up.

The Wilson Sasha's sounded nice on the Lamm 1.2 amps and VTL preamp. I liked the Sasha's better then the Wilson Alexia's.
The Alexia's seemed to have a very detailed type sound.
While i felt the Sasha's were smoother sounding.

On the other hand, i heard the 100,000 Gammut S9 speakers on an all Gamut system and these speakers just weren't that good.
They were way to boomy and the midrange wasn't that accurate.
I was really impressed by the Woo audio headphone amps.
They had like 6 or 7 headphone amps you can listen to with sennheiser, Beyerdynamic and Stax headphones.

I loved the WA5 300B tube headphone amp with the tube power supply. They used 300B tubes in the headphone amp
They had that tube sound and could play loud without breaking up. I also liked the Woo Audio WA22 tube headphone amp, but this didn't use a separate tube power supply. It still sounded great.

I also like that pure vinyl program from Channel D for getting vinyl onto a computer. Channel D also showed their pure music program which talked how to get the best sound from Itunes to your computer. ($129 for Pure Music and Pure Vinyl is $279).

There were alot of good tube preamps there.
The TRL Dude, Manley 300B tube preamp, Coincident Statement Line Stage.
There were so amazing looking turntables there from the Kronos, to the Triangle Reference Turntable to the Audio Note Kondo Turntable and the Redpoint Audio Designs Model D Turntable.
I was in the rooms that played the Vivid Giya G3 speakers, TAD Reference 1 speakers and Zellaton speakers. But everytime i went into either of these rooms, they seemed to be playing piano or chamber music, so their was no way i could judge the sound of the speakers.