Amp for PSB Stratus Gold

I am looking for an amp for PSB Stratus Golds for my brother's birthday.It can be new or used and the family can spend up to $2500.00 or so. I have never heard them. How would you characterize the sound especially as far as the midbass and detail/brightness? I have an amp in mind, but it is known for being a little lean in the midbass, so i figure if the PSBs are full in the midbass, it would be a good match.I know they need a lot of power. He was using an Aragon 8008 that recently died. Thanks.
I remember them being a bit heavy in the bass. I had a friend that drove them with a Nakamichi P7. That would be way under your budget. I would expect a Pass or Threshold would do a good job too. Belles would be on my list also. IMO, something on the bright side wouldn't be a problem. I'm not saying these amps are bright, but you said what you had in mind was...
I used a pr. years ago with a Parasound HCA-3500. Also tried but sold a big Rotel. For under 1500.00 used I would buy another Parasound or get the newer model Parasound A21.
I had Goldis for years and ran them with a Rotel RB-1090 as suggested by Zd542 and for me they were a great match. I switched to much more expensive Parasound JC1 monoblocks and ended up buying another RB-1090 after a while because (for me again)they had better synergy. The Rotel made for a robust combination that wasn't too forward. One thing is for sure-those PSBs love lots of power.
Parasound A21 would drive your speakers beautifully. I have heard the Silver-i and they were really nice speakers. The Gols must be a step up. You can buy the A21 brand-new for much less than your budget.