Speaker grills on or off?

Which sound do you prefer from your speakers - with grill on or off?
The decision needs to be made by your ears, your heart, and your soul. There is no right or wrong. For me and my Revels, grills off. For you, it may be different. The best part ? ... it's a zero expense experiment ! Listen to your speakers both ways, and have fun deciding which way sounds best.
Depends on the speakers. Some speakers such as the Thiel CS 2's were designed to be used with the grills on.
I agree that dome speakers were designed with them to stay on.

Here's a thought; why not one on, one off ;-)
I am surprised by the number of people who don't hear a difference. I am extremely skeptical of a lot of tweaks/ cable differences but I have always heard a difference when removing grills.
I have almost every model of speaker that John Dunlavy designed and they all sound better with the grills off, no exceptions.