Attention Lowther owners

Has anyone compared the DX4's to a PM2A, or PM5A? Sonic differences? Jon at Lowther America has already supplied me with has take but anyone else out there?
Hi Isochronism,

I am using the Lamhorn cabinets. The Lamhorn's came with AER Mk3 drivers and sound incredible which I still have and use. I am also using a Lowther DX3 which I am surprised how much I enjoy them. The Lamhorns produce an incredible bass with both the AER & lowthers. Who said Lowthers can't do bass.
I now recall your Lamhorns. I should have first read your other posts. Well, a good opportunity to say hello, again.
We are both getting similar great sound :)
I bet about as nice as your Lamms'
I am also using a pair of 45's. So could you :)
My Beauhorns came with DX4 16 ohm version. My amps were not delivered yet. (they have only 8 ohm taps) I found a very good deal on a never used DX4 8 ohm pair, that was hard to resist and I did not want to lose. I spoke with Jon. He felt DX4 would be best for my cabinets over any other model. I now have an extra 16 ohm pair which I hadn't even tried with my amplifiers. Wavelength Cardinal Signature XS & Wavelength 45.