Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2

A knowledgeable industry insider with zero affiliation says the Diamond is still the more musical. Revels fanfare in industry rags has been so overwhelming; can this possibly be true?

Although I appreciate your candor I do not agree with you. Guess what, that is what makes this hobby so great. Your Thin and Thin out is someone else's perfect balance. Maybe it is because we have different equipment, different rooms and differing tastes. Herein lies the rub in Audio. You never know how a component will sound until you get it into YOUR system. This is why many sage audiophiles tell potential buyers to demo the unit(s) in their homes through local dealers. It is not a B.S. line it is Wise practice. Psst will only learn of each speakers sonic merits through trial and error.
Anyone out there who wants to get a pair of perfect balance speakers? I have two for sale and you are welcome to bring your own gear to my place and try out.
Chuck+1, as I see it the most help that can be given a query such as this is to give ones direct in home experience, with a clear description of ones system and in the case os speakers, the room.

We can appreciate the intensions of those who profess their degree of experience. Unfortunately describing casual impressions from stores and shows is quite useless.

The only thing I take away from auditioning speakers at shows and stores is any glaring higher frequency sonic issues and the idea of living with the looks of the product. But that's me.