Anyone try this way to wire your loudspeakers?

I have just rewired my Mcintosh XR100 loudspeakers by running one pair of Cardas Golden Reference cables from my amplifiers 8ohm leads to the speakers woofer connectors and a 2nd pair of identical cables from the amplifiers 4ohm leads to the speakers mid/treble connectors. The result was just fantatstic. Without going into all the audiophile adjectives all I can say is that it far surpassed all my other experiments with bi-wiring and jumper cables. Wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. I am one
happy camper!
I have often wondered about my use of $3000 speaker cables when the wire connecting the speaker binding posts to the drivers is basic hardware store wire.
"I have often wondered about my use of $3000 speaker cables when the wire connecting the speaker binding posts to the drivers is basic hardware store wire."

Good speakers use good wires. Maybe its time to upgrade.


That's an interesting setup. Not many people get to try something like that. I bet your results have a lot to do with the autoformers on your amp. (I assume you are using a SS amp). Have you ever tried connecting both pairs of speaker cables to the same tap on your amp and running each pair to one of the binding posts on your speaker (a basic double or shotgun biwire)? That may tell you if your results are due to biwiring, or possibly something else.
first of all interesting speaker!

so the 8 ohm tap to woofer is a bit fuller and the 4 ohm tap to mid/tweeter is a little tighter

or do I have it backwards?

Autoformers can work wonders - I used to own a pair of Spelz autoformers with Maggies, you could just dial in the tightness or full sound as you liked...

have you tried switching it around?

but then why would you since you are so happy with the results

ZD542 I presume based on the OP's post that he has tried standard shotgun config

thanks for sharing

"ZD542 I presume based on the OP's post that he has tried standard shotgun config"

Most likely he did. I was just interested as to what the differences were.