Amuseb, have you had the problem from day one? Lots of interesting suggestions, but maybe this isn't the spkr for your room, period?
I used to run Zu Definitions Mk2s, with xoverless full range drivers and 4 x 10" bass drivers out the rear, so some major similarities with your Hornings. Bass integration was a major issue, and I mostly solved it using the Spatial Computer Black Hole anti-bass wave generator, which sitting behind the listener, uses a mic and dsp to sample the bass from the main spkrs, and pumps bass into the room to eliminate phase issues, standing waves and bass nodes. The problem wasn't totally solved, but improved a good 60-70%.
I've upgraded to the Zu Definitions 4s which dispense with rear firing woofers for a single floor firing one. Bass better than ever, but still helped by the Black Hole.
For $1250, full money back guarantee, it's worth a try.
I used to run Zu Definitions Mk2s, with xoverless full range drivers and 4 x 10" bass drivers out the rear, so some major similarities with your Hornings. Bass integration was a major issue, and I mostly solved it using the Spatial Computer Black Hole anti-bass wave generator, which sitting behind the listener, uses a mic and dsp to sample the bass from the main spkrs, and pumps bass into the room to eliminate phase issues, standing waves and bass nodes. The problem wasn't totally solved, but improved a good 60-70%.
I've upgraded to the Zu Definitions 4s which dispense with rear firing woofers for a single floor firing one. Bass better than ever, but still helped by the Black Hole.
For $1250, full money back guarantee, it's worth a try.