why no recent Merlin speaker reviews?

why haven't Merlin speakers been reviewed for years?
"Why not just label their speakers series 1, 2, 3 etc"

Because we would be on series 493, or some stupid s^&t like that......

My new Merlin Master TSM's are being completed as I type this.
If you wish, when they arrive, I'd be happy to share my
initial impression followed eventually by a more studied
impression after I've lived with them awhile. This won't be a
formal review, though. (Note, FWIW: I've never heard any of
Merlin Music's speakers.)

Marakanetz is probably correct but you need to hear them for yourself and not what you read in a mag. If you knew some of the reviewers, their systems and rooms, you probably would wonder why you are reading their reviews.
I want to know why I always see so many of them for sale (if they are so darned to die for imaging etc).
I heard Merlin speakers multiple times at the shows, and could never understand what all the fuss is all about.
They are clearly very light in the bass department and that disqualifies them as realistic sounding with majority of recordings, short of maybe very simple vocal material and such.
There are no miracles, you cannot get realistic bass from this size of a woofer, BAM, or no BAM.
Just my personal opinion