Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search

Yesterday I had a nice opportunity to audition a couple of speakers I felt fit my potential budget and listening preferences. To clear that up:

Budget = $1,200 MAX
Music preferences = 70% prog metal/rock (Tool, Opeth, Dream Theater, Rush, etc.), the rest is a mix of female/male vocalists, movie soundtracks, jazz.

The speakers I went in to audition were Golden Ear Aon 3's and PSB Imagine B's. The shop had an Ayre CD player connected to an NAD C 356BEE integrated amp. Tracks used for demo: Alison Balsom (Trumpet Concerto in E Flat); Tool (Forty Six & Two); Porcupine Tree (The Sound of Muzak); Zac Brown Band (Free); Hans Zimmer (Man of Steel - Terraforming).

My impressions: the Aon 3 ribbon tweeters were doing some really cool things in the treble region, but I didn't like the timbre up there. The midrange was very distant, lacked PRAT, but smooth. Bass was very present (most bass I've ever heard for a bookshelf), but had a rather "bloated" sound to it. I just got the sense that the midbass was bleeding too much into the midrange, causing the lack of presence in vocals and guitars. Soundstage was very nice, but not a whole lot of instrument separation going on. Decent in the detail department. Imaging was solid.

When he switched to the PSBs, I immediately noticed a more defined, taut bass section. Not as much quantity as the Aon 3's, but much tighter and cleaner, IMO. I preferred the midrange handily with the Imagine B's, but definitely noticed the glariness of the metal dome tweeter (as compared to the ribbon in the Aon 3). Overall, I felt the Imagine B was better balanced and the midrange had much more life (positive sense) to it. Soundstage was maybe a bit less in width, same in depth. One thing that I felt was lacking, though, was instrument separation. Imaging was solid.

It was at this point that I felt truly torn. These speakers did things so differently that I really had no idea which one I'd go with (if I had to choose). What made this even more complicated, is the salesman placed a pair of Aerial Acoustics Model 5B on the stands...

Crap. I was glad and mad at the same time after listening to these speakers. Immediately apparent: INSTRUMENT SEPARATION!!! Details, clarity, resolution, timbre. All those words started flooding in my head. Truly balanced sound with a beautifully rendered midrange. Absolutely no glare or harshness to the treble (despite being aluminum dome tweeters...implementation!). Bass quantity was nice, but actually sounded muddy (was very surprised by this).

In the end, it made me realize that even a $2000+/pair speaker can have its flaws (granted still being run by a mid-grade integrated in the NAD). So now I have a reference point, however I don't know if I'd ever be able to achieve that kind of midrange/treble bliss at my price point for the genres I enjoy.

I realized, in the end, that I can live with some bass misfortune (as it can be corrected by cables, electronics, placement, room treatment, etc.)...but I really MUST have that type of midrange/treble that can be so well rendered and discernable, while also being able to ROCK.

This search just got a lot more complicated...
Personally I wouldn't place any judgement on any speaker when you are powering it with a low price integrated. Pretty much you aren't going to get a great sound with a cheap amp. If you only have a very limited budget you should consider spending most of it on a really good amp and get whatever speaker you can with what is left. That is the way I would do it. I would far and away prefer to have a 300 speaker with a 2500 amp than the other way around. I'd steer clear of NAD they just don't sound all that great in my opinion.
I get caught up in your descriptions of the recordings that infer you listen to acoustic music to evaluate good sound, yet most of the selections are Prog Rock groups with the exception of one classical piece. Using selections that are recorded extremely well will do the best job of bringing out the good and bad points of the equipment in use.
You are apparently a good listener, so that is half the battle. as for getting a great amp and a mediocre speaker, most people would recommend doing just the opposite. I started out with SAE equipment, then Hafler, and finally scored
a used Levinson 23.5 (after saving up for quite a while). My speaker evolution went from ADS bookshelf to ADS floorstanders and finally to B&W's. Patience was the only thing i had in abundance- that and a clear goal to get high-end gear sometime in the future.
BTW, the ADS speakers were damn good for Steely Dan but not as good for Metallica. But they did jazz and classical music wonderfully well given the price level. And since You mentioned Aerial Acoustics- this is the same guy who designed ADS back in the 70's & 80's. I am certain they can do justice to bass frequencies. As for an amplifier, a used Rowland model one (60w/ch) in good shape could be a great tool to drive a good speaker.
but... these examples are
pieces I would consider. You need to do a lot more listening- just don't deny yourself the experience of auditioning some REALLY good equipment so
you know where you want to go for now and for later on.
Interesting responses so far. Without knowing anything about your room or your gear, but based on your mix of musical preferences I would have suggest you check out the following:

1- Vandersteen (new or used, whichever model works in your room)
2- (used) 80s-style speakers: JBL L200 or Cerwin Vega xls-28
3- A pair of Klipsch Cornwalls with replacement (steep slope) crossovers
4- Maybe a used set of Dynaudio Audience 82s
5- Something new from Tekton Designs or Zu

There are probably hundreds of other choices, including the ones mentioned by others, above.
If you are looking for small speakers, consider a pair of Totem Model 1 Signatures. Great bass for small speakers, nice sound in all registers, image very well. Need a good amount of power.
BTW, I had to work hard to get any of my newer, "better" speakers to deliver prog rock like the type the OP identifies as well as my OHM Ls did quite effortlessly. I had the Ls standing in as my mains during my last speaker upgrade to newer and pricier OHM Walsh models. The Ls, with an 8" bass driver and being a tad more efficient and limited in absolute low end extension, just worked well with the amp I had at the time (A Musical Fidelity A3CR), especially for that kind of music. I had to make a much larger investment in amp especially to get as good or better performance with the newer, larger, more full range OHM Walsh speakers (Dynaudio monitors also, but to a lesser degree).

OHM Ls + the same NAD integrated heard would do VERY well and for minimal cost. The urge to upgrade might only come in if larger scale classical music becomes a focus.